
Cysts are a disease that causes inflammation of a person's bladder. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection of the bladder. Individuals with cysts will feel pain when they want to urinate.

In addition, they will often feel like urinating even though the bladder is empty. Those are two of the few symptoms experienced by those with cysts. Cysts is more common in women. However, it is also not impossible for men and children to experience it even though the risk is lower than for women.

Why are women at higher risk than men? This is because the size of the urethra (the main channel for excretion of urine out of the body) in women is shorter when compared to men. In addition, it is also located closer to the anus. Because of this, bacteria from the anus spread more easily and get into the bladder.

Causes of Cysts (Men)

  1. The infection starts from the urethra and spreads to the prostate and subsequently infects the bladder
  2. It is more likely to happen if a person has an infection of the prostate
  3. Blocked urine flow due to gallstones can make the prostate enlarge and cause infected urine to accumulate in the bladder.

Causes of Cysts (Women)

  1. Easily infected due to the close distance between the urethra and vagina
  2. Can also be transmitted from the anus
  3. Through sexual intercourse in the event of injury to the urethra and invite bacteria which in turn spread to the bladder
  4. Can occur in pregnant women because they find it difficult to empty their bladder

Symptoms of Cysts

  1. Frequent urination especially at night
  2. Often feel like urinating suddenly
  3. The body feels unwell or has a fever
  4. Pain in the lower part of the navel and also in the back of the body
  5. Pain like burning when urinating
  6. Urine is cloudy and has a strong odor
  7. There is blood in the urine

Preventive measures

  1. Avoid the habit of holding back urine
  2. Drink enough water every day
  3. After defecation, clean from front to back to prevent bacteria from entering through the urethra
  4. Wear underwear made of soft cotton
  5. Bathing with a shower is better than soaking
  6. Avoid using bath soaps or intimate organ cleansing soaps that contain fragrances

Alternative Treatment With The Tole Acupuncture

The best way to experience DSTM Dato Tole therapeutic treatments is in person. With face to face interaction, the physician will be able to treat cysts and other diseases in a much better and individualized manner.

Dato' Master Tole also extends a helping hand to patients all across the world via telephone and virtual conversations. Once you get in touch with the representatives at the centre, you will be asked to send in the medical reports of your cysts condition.

After a thorough analysis, appropriate herbal medicines will be posted to you no matter where you are located.

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