Kidney is an important organ in human body which plays role as blood filter. It will clean our blood by removing the excess fluid, minerals, and wastes from metabolism such as uric acids, urea, and creatinine without losing electrolytes. Besides that, they will make hormones which can keep your bones strong and your blood healthy.
But if your kidneys are damaged, they will not work properly and the harmful wastes will build up in your body. This will lead to increased blood pressure and the excess fluid may retained in your body. Other than that, when your kidneys failed, it will not make enough red blood cells for your body. This can cause problems that can be deadly. So, you need to go for a treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys.
Every people had a pair of kidney. However, human still can live normally with just one kidney.
Kidney Failure Causes
Kidneys failure usually occur from acute condition or chronic problems. The common causes of kidneys failure include high blood pressure, diabetes and hardening of the arteries. But, there are more factors that can cause kidneys failure such as:
- Uncertain fluid intake
- Medication such as deuretics which may cause water loss excessively
- Uncertain high blood pressure
- Poorly control diabetes
- Abnormal blood flow from and to kidneys
Kidney Failure Symptoms
Kidney failure symptoms usually appear when someone's condition become chronic. Mild to moderate kidney disease often does not shows any symptoms. However, there are some conditions that every kidney's patients tends to face when the toxins accumulate in their body:
- Continuous fatigue
- Muscles always twitching and / or cramping
- Blood pressure increase
- Legs and feet swelling
- No urine output or little
- Heart beats rapidly
- Always feeling dizzy when stand up
- Lost of appetite
- Vomitting
- Nausea
- Feels pain below the rib cage and above the waist (flank pain on one side of the back)